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Regional Programs

The Regional Programs consist of the following:

Abinoojiiyeg Naa Da Maa Gewin

Has been operating as a regional program since 1984 and provides consultation and investigation in child abuse matters in accordance with the Manitoba Child and Family Services Act and the Manitoba Child Abuse Regulations. The Abin Unit also presents all child abuse cases to the WRCFS Child Abuse Committee on a monthly basis. The Unit also provides workshops to staff and local communities.

Family Enhancement WRAPAROUND

This team supports a prevention initiative of WRCFS, where Facilitators work with First Nation youth and families who are experiencing one or more risk factors. The youth and families referred to this Circle of Care Wraparound Team will be from one of the 9 WRCFS First Nation communities.

The goal of the program is to prevent children from coming into care, and to help them return home to family. It will also reduce family violence, addictions, suicide and self-harm and increase self-identity. Other outcomes of being involved with the program are increased pro-social attitudes, beliefs, coping and life skills. There is an increased positive attitude towards school and education and cultural identity.

Family Enhancement (Non-Mandated)

The Non-Mandated Family Enhancement Team who are overseen by Regional Programs, provide prevention programs such as, parenting, young mom programs, sharing circles, family management, life skills, domestic violence awareness programs, anger management, child abuse awareness, youth programs, day camps, family camps, youth camps, welcome home baby programs, women’s/men’s groups for healing, public education awareness events, National Child Day, cultural days, ceremonies, breakfast programs, various craft and cooking classes, and cost-sharing events with other community partners.

Children with Special Needs

Finds external specialized therapeutic services for community bases and urban service team child in care and families.

Reclaiming Our Voices

Since 1999, WRCFS has offered a program for women which is designed to provide an educational, cultural, spiritual, and positive healing experience. These women have struggled with addictions, family violence, parenting issues, sexual abuse, and intergenerational residential school trauma. This gathering provides a variety of presentations styles to help women begin their healing journey through traditional ceremonies, testimonials, workshops, healing circles, sweat lodges, and land-based teachings.