Children's Special Allowance (CSA) Settlement Update
On March 19, 2024, an Agreement in Principle was reached between the Province of Manitoba and Class Counsels to settle three Children’s Special Allowance (CSA) Class Action Lawsuits which sought compensation for past and current provincially funded children-in-care of Child and Family Services Agencies (CFS Agencies) in Manitoba, whose CSA benefit was clawed back or withheld between January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2019. The Province agreed in principle to pay $530 million.
The Exchange Group, located at 1-554 St. Mary Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L5 is the Claims Administer for the CSA Settlement and they prepared the attached mail out dated Jun 20, 2024 which was sent to various entities. It is a Notice to Class Members titled “NOTICE OF CLASS ACTION CERTIFICATION AND HEARING FOR SETTLEMENT APPROVAL Regarding class actions for recovery of Children's Special Allowances”
The notice dated June 20, 2024, was sent out to entities who may have the ability to contact Class Members. WRCFS received the mail out on July 15, 2024. There is a Notice to Class Members, and it asks entities “where possible, please bring the Notice to the attention of Class Members and encourage Class Members to carefully read the Notice.” The letter indicates that “ The Notice is detailed; it explains who a Class Member may be and what the Class Actions are about. The Notice also states a deadline: August 26, 2024. That deadline is to opt-out of the Class Actions or object to the Settlement of the Class Actions, should Class Members wish to do so. Also, that Claims for compensation cannot be submitted at this time.” The letter requests WRCFS to “communicate/distribute the Notice to Class Members under your care and control.” Further Information: For detailed information see the Notice, which includes methods of obtaining more information, including by visiting
Children's Special Allowance Settlement (MANITOBA) is for Provincially Funded current and former children-in-care of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous CFS Agencies between January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2019
All documents list below are available for review on the CSA Settlement website:
Notice Approval – documents now online
Notice Approval Order (Flette) (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Notice Approval Order (Lavallee) (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Settlement Agreement (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Short-Form Notice (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Long-Form Notice (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Objection Form (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Opt-Out Form (June 20, 2024) [PDF]
Reclaiming Our Voices (ROV) Gathering
2023 Gathering date & location TBA
Since 1999, West Region Child and Family Services, Inc. have offered Reclaiming Our Voices Gathering designed to support women who have struggled with addictions and pregnancy. This gathering uses a variety of presentation styles to help women begin their healing journey including traditional teachings, testimonials, workshops, and healing circle and Elders from the 9 First Nation communities provide a nurturing and safe environment for women to come in search of healing and to understand the impact of FASD on their children, family and community.